Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Best Birth Control Methods: Birth Control Arm Implant

Birth control arm implant, also known as Nexplanon or Implanon, is amongst the best birth control methods. It is a small, thin, flexible plastic rod shaped contraceptive implant. A doctor can easily insert a birth control arm implant beneath the skin of a woman’s upper arm, it does not require a surgery, only local numbing with a painkiller. It takes a couple of minutes. A birth control arm implant is no larger than a matchstick. It contains etonogestrel, a steroidal progestin that can prevent pregnancy. The birth control arm implant releases progestin, a hormone, into a woman’s system. The progestin prevents the woman’s eggs from leaving the ovaries. It also thickens the cervical mucus of the woman, keeping sperm away from the egg. A birth control arm implant is available in more than sixty countries all over the world. In the United States, it has been approved in 2006.

How to Get a Birth Control Arm Implant

You are supposed to find a doctor who has completed a special training in inserting and removing a birth control arm implant. You can find such doctors at a Planned Parenthood health center close to your town. You can also visit the website of Implanon where you can find such health care providers.

How Effective Is a Birth Control Arm Implant

A birth control arm implant is effective for three years.
When you decide what kind of contraception options you want to use, you want the best birth control method. Hysterectomy is the best birth control method. When a woman has no womb anymore (and probably no ovaries, like radical hysterectomy), she cannot conceive a child. We can say its failure rate is 0%. After hysterectomy, the birth control arm implant is the best birth control method, its failure rate is extremely low. When perfectly used, its failure rate is only 0.05%, which means that out of 2000 women, only one gets pregnant. The average user has exactly the same result, 0, 05%. You cannot do anything wrong with a birth control arm implant, since it is the gynecologist’s task to insert the device under your skin. Unlike hysterectomy, it is one of the reversible contraception options.

Whenever you need new medications – from flu to cardiovascular issues –, you should inform your doctor that you have a birth control arm implant. Some medicines make your birth control arm implant less effective. If you take TB medicines, oral medicines against yeast, HIV medicines, anti-seizure medicines, medicines of mental disorders, ask your gynecologist about other contraception options. Even some natural remedies like St. John’s wort can interfere with the effectiveness of the birth control arm implant.

Side-Effects of a Birth Control Arm Implant

Every medicine has side-effects, too. Do not use a birth control arm implant if you are expecting a child or if you have breast cancer. Go for other contraception options.
It may happen – in rare cases – that you experience heavier bleeding than before, and your period may take a longer while. You may bleed between two periods. Your sex drive may ebb. You may experience headache, dizziness, sensitive or aching breasts. Serious side-effects may include lumps in your breasts, yellowing of your skin, heavy bleeding. The birth control arm implant may change its location beneath your skin. If it gets too deep in your flesh, it has to be surgically removed.

Benefits of a Birth Control Implant

It is very effective. It is amongst the best birth control methods. It is reversible: once you stop using it, you can get pregnant in a short while. You can use a birth control arm implant even if you cannot take estrogen. A birth control arm implant is very convenient: you do not have to take pills every day, there is no fuss. Once your doctor has inserted it beneath your skin, you do not have to bother with it anymore for three years. It is safe to use, even if you breastfeed a small child. During your period, you will bleed less, and periods will be scarce because of the hormones released in your body. After a year of using the birth control arm implant, you may stop menstruating. Since menstruation is unpleasant for women, most of them are glad to get rid of it.

What If You Want to Remove Birth Control Arm Implant

A doctor can remove a birth control arm implant within a few minutes, it takes just one cut. However, the process is a bit slower than inserting it.

Costs of a Birth Control Arm Implant

A birth control arm implant may come for free. In other cases, it can be worth USD 800. Removal costs are also free under certain circumstances. In other cases, it may cost USD 300.

Planned Parenthood wants to make the birth control arm implant available and affordable for anyone who wants to choose the best birth control methods.